point of junction中文什么意思

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连接点, 结点
  • point:    n. 1.尖头,尖端;尖头器具;〔美 ...
  • junction:    n. 1.接合,连接,连络。 2.接 ...
  • junction point:    接合点; 联结点; 连测点
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  1. But all things have an end . by - and - by the procession went filing down the steep descent of the main avenue , the flickering rank of lights dimly revealing the lofty walls of rock almost to their point of junction sixty feet overhead . this main avenue was not more than eight or ten feet wide
  2. Under a row of five coiled spring housebells a curvilinear rope , stretched between two holdfasts athwart across the recess beside the chimney pier , from which hung four smallsized square handkerchiefs folded unattached consecutively in adjacent rectangles and one pair of ladies grey hose with lisle suspendertops and feet in their habitual position clamped by three erect wooden pegs two at their outer extremities and the third at their point of junction


  1. point of inversion 什么意思
  2. point of invocation 什么意思
  3. point of irradiation 什么意思
  4. point of irreducibility 什么意思
  5. point of issue 什么意思
  6. point of last departure 什么意思
  7. point of lattice 什么意思
  8. point of law 什么意思
  9. point of lay 什么意思
  10. point of laying up 什么意思


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